After Hamlet had left the Queen, the King joined her.
"Goodness, what has provoked all this sighing and shivering. Tell me, what happened? Where is your son?"
"Oh, my good lord, the things I have seen tonight!"
"Poor, Gertrude. How is Hamlet?"
"As mad as the sea and the wind when they contest a duel! Being a law unto himself when he heard something move behind the curtain, he yells A rat, a rat! and in this delusion he put poor old Polonius to the sword!"
"An act of brutality! If I had been there I would be dead. His freedom is a threat to everybody- to you, to us, to everyone. Alas, how shall we explain Polonius' death? I'll be held responsible. I should have had the foresight to keep this mad young man leashed, controlled, secluded. Our love was so trusting we refused to face facts. Like someone with a contagious disease who doesn't want to divulge his condition it actually thrives in secret. Where has he gone?"
"He is removing the corpse, over which his very madness, like a diamond in mud, shines radiantly. He sobs at what he has done."
"Oh, Gertrude, come away. At twilight we will get him on a boat bound for England. Using all our authority and skill we must bear and excuse this vile deed."
The King paused to ponder the consequences.
"Guildenstern," he called.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern arrived at the chamber.
"Friends, get assistance in this chore. Hamlet, in his madness, has killed Polonius. He's dragged the body off. Find him, humour him, and bring the body to the chapel. Please hurry."
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern speedily followed orders. The King continued to comfort the Queen.
"Come, Gertrude, we'll summon our wisest friends, tell them of our intentions and inform them of Hamlet's misdeed. With a bit of luck, the slanderous gossip which travels the world as fast as cannon shot, may miss us and explode in space. Let us go, my soul is full of discord and dismay.”